Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My 2011.

Mmmkay where do I begin...

Lemme just summarize the most memorable year of my life, 2011!

That last entry I posted was right after attending kursus kahwin and more or less 2 months before I got married to the man of my dreams, JD. =')
To be exact the date was 1.1.11 (january first, twenty eleven). Syukur Alhamdulillah the solemnization took place at my parents' and the wedding ceremony held just the next day. The weekend after that (jan 8th) was my second reception -in a decent hall on a rooftop whereas the following weekend (jan 15th) was the final reception; his side. 

Well I. have. never. been. happier..
What an ultimately gratifying way to start the year I must say.

Fast forward: moving on to the next chapter.. come March and I got preggy!! Happy feet weeeeehooo~! It took us quite some time (probly like two months or so) till it eventually hit us in the heads lol. Rezeki, mate!

JD actually planned on a honeymoon at the Europe so yea by the time we went there I was already 16 weeks pregnant lol.. We first went for JD's graduation at Royal Albert Hall in London (where Imperial College normally hold the ceremony) God knows how proud I am for all of his achievements Congratulations dear husband i love you beyond infinity!!
The Royal Wedding (William & Kate) was also happening at the same time (just the day after) so yea we hung out @ Westminster Abbey for the first half of the day and slowly walked down the streets as the parade passes by. Lovely weather, not too cold, not too warm. Just perfect.

Few days in London and then off we went to Madrid, Rome, Pisa, Venice and then back to London before flying home. Our honeymoon vacay took approximately 3 weeks. So many things I could've shared then but it's been almost 3 years and am pretty occupied now T_T
Shall try to pen it down someday when the mood kicks in!

Syukur that the whole time I was pregnant I never had any morning sickness, as well as cravings and whatnot.. much to my own surprise! And oh, not even a slight appearance of stretch marks too (thank goodness for that) Alhamdulillah.
As for other common hormonal changes such as extreme sleepiness, heartburn, leg cramps and weight gain (I put on 12 kilos fyi!) were all part of the priceless experience that I've encountered.
With all the driving to & fro my office, squatting to get stuff from the bottom shelf, climbing up & down the stairs (both in office & at home) certainly helped a lot during labour. And I really mean a lot. So she (oh yes our first child is a SHE -just what we wished for hehe!) 'decided' to come out n see the world when I was only at 36w4d. One month earlier that is! Went into the labour room at about 8pm and gave birth around 1am on September 22nd, that's a double joy in a year! JD stood beside me the whole 5 hours, reciting doa & zikir tanpa henti, literally tak putus2 whispering to my ear, and on my forehead. Listening to his recitals totally calmed me down, tiap saat ikut dalam hati.. Terima kasih, si kacak saya. Still dressed in his office attire, kemas berkemeja dengan kasut kulitnya. Nak masuk labour room, tengok wajah kesayangan hamba, hati pun berbunga. Sempat.
God's will it was a normal birth, no TENS machine no epidurals no laughing gas no complications and the only thing I took was Pethidine jab, mainly to help fasten cervix dilation (by acting as a muscle relaxant), at the same time provides sedation in between contractions..

Recalling how smooth the delivery was, I feel So blessed and content..!

The 44days-confinement ensued & that was how my twenty eleven ended.. (swear i didn't quite like those so-called confinement foods i lost my appetite in less than 2 weeks i rather not eat at all) huhu~

Anyhow 'twas still the Best year of my life -having so many miracles to remember.. 

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