Friday, January 23, 2009

One after Another..

It's different.

Having to take extra care from the 20th onwards, I can feel that it's a lot different now. Bout everyday-life, eating habits, daily routines, sleeping hours, health conditions, etc. Extra concern on every single aspect of life, like there's two me. Two me that I have to look after. Not to say that it's hard, but...just.. different.

Thing is, I worry more.
Which leads me to do more thinking..
And worse, of the unnecessaries.

I need to calm myself down everytime. I need my heart to beat slower each time. I need more patience to get things done. Getting it all quickly accomplished really exhausts me! Really. Moreover, with the trouble of having a good sleep, I'm always restless during the day & appear extremely lethargic during the night.

These things have been putting me under so much stress without notice. I get stressed out most of the time. And I don't want it to stay that way. Stress develops anger. I have many hearts to look after, so please, stress..just go away.

I need more rest. Mentally, especially.

Gimme a break. =(

But then again, this is life; always one after another..

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