Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Giving birth the second time.

Today is the day I gave birth to our much awaited baby boy. He was born a preemie at 36 weeks on the dot, weighing only 2.54 kg. 

When I got pregnant with my son I was not as proactive as I was during my first pregnancy. I preferred to stay in on weekends and all the time JD had to attend to weddings/ kenduri without me. My belly was bigger than ever with this one. Hence the dreadfulness to do just about anything. I felt too heavy to even carry myself around. In the 8th month I literally counted hours to give birth (sangat2 tak larat) so I secretly hoped for the labour to happen soon. Comfortably knowing that my past delivery was a preterm labour (without complications), I sort of expected the same this time.

Well, one midnight (around 1am) while I was sleeping (in a sitting position) on bed I suddenly felt wet.. so I got off, and stood still. A few drips of pink blood on the floor (sorry TMI). My water broke so we decided to pack some stuff and make a move. Of course the first hospital that we went to was Al-Islam Specialist Hospital where I had my monthly checkups done. After being scanned I was informed that they couldn't handle my case (I was 35weeks at the time). Worried that there may be complications, they told us the hospital doesn't have the facility (ventilator etc.) and suggested we go to GHKL (General Hospital Kuala Lumpur) instead. JD and I had a brief discussion in the car (while I wet the passenger seat with amniotic fluid) and he made a 'drive-thru' around GH. It's almost 3am. Wasn't hard to make up my mind, I said 'no' straight away. Don't ask me why.

We stopped by the roadside and continued 'google-ing' for nearby hospitals. Never thought that we can be rejected in this condition. All these while (among hundreds of appointments) never once I was informed (by Al-Islam Specialist Hospital) of the inadequacy, otherwise we could have well planned for the next best option(s) available. We would have come prepared, physically & mentally. Sigh..

So after a quick search on a few hospitals & list of gynaecologists we decided to try Columbia Asia Hospital. We were hungry by the time we reach Setapak so JD drove thru the nearest McDonald's and we had our 'supper' inside the car right in front of the hospital entrance. Enjoyed my final fatty meal before the 'torturous' confinement began. 

So around 4 o'clock my husband went in for inquiry (I couldn't be bothered to walk around like a mobile leaking pipe). And guess what, they couldn't admit me as I have no record with the hospital (even for emergencies, seriously? Is giving birth less critical than attending to accident injuries? Then what is the 'medical record/history card' for??) I was told to bring the red card/ booklet wherever I go in my third trimester should I be out of town at the time of delivery. Much to my surprise it did not matter at all, no value, it seemed. Not asked for, not looked at, not referred to. Frustrating.

So we got back in the car, JD asked me whether I wanted to settle down at Prince Court (as he's started to become anxious). But for the overpriced overrated-specialist fee alone, I refused. We slowly drove back to the city. Passed by Pusrawi at Jalan Tun Razak so we decided to drop by and try our luck. It was 5am. Staff nurses & medical officers were crowding the reception when JD came & talked to them. It took him a while until he returned to the car with another rejection. Apparently Pusrawi has it all, (the facility etc) but they couldn't accept us merely because we do not have a record with them. How unbelievable is that? It's not like we come to burden you for Free. I never felt so rejected all my life. Furthermore in that condition.. 

*heavy sigh*

Both JD and I started to get really dizzy for not sleeping the whole night, exhausted, but most of all we were very upset and frustrated with how the system works.

JD came up with another suggestion and this time we headed straight to Pantai Hospital (where JD was born btw). By the time we reached Bangsar, it was nearly 7am. Both of us went in and JD talked to the front desk. They refused us at first (for the same reason given by Pusrawi) but this time JD argued. I understand how tired he must be feeling and to be told off several times in my case was something he couldn't take anymore at that point. The MO came out from the door and tried to explain again (same shit we've been hearing over the night) then JD kept arguing and appealing. Nicely tho. MO went back in to talk to somebody else in-charged. Finally an Indian male doctor came and tried to resolve the issue. 

He took a look at me, told me to come inside their emergency area and rest on bed. He was really nice that he made a personal phone call to one of the gynaes (Dr. Idora) --explaining the situation to her and sort of asking her to take up my case. I still remember smiling ear to ear when he hung up and said 'okay, done'. What a huge relief. JD finally get to sit back and take a breather.

They then sent me straight into the labour room (for a few hours) assuming that I should be ready for delivery but there was neither dilation nor contractions so I was transferred to a single-bed room. Dr. Idora performed an ultrasound and saw a small pool of water remaining inside. So yea, I wasn't due for labour yet but my water broke early. They closely monitored my amniotic fluid everyday and injected me with antibiotics to prevent infection and doses of steroids to fully develop my baby's lungs. I spent a good 5 days at Pantai Hospital.. cost us a total of RM6k. 

The day I turned 36 weeks Dr. Idora said she was confident that I can deliver safely now and if I feel more comfortable in the hands of a familiar face then I may do so. I was glad she asked, without hesitation I told JD to call Al-Islam and talk to my gynae. I was discharged on the very same day and got admitted at AISH. Unfortunately, all the single/ double-bed wards were occupied, leaving me to a four-bedded ward. Gosh I cried when I found out that JD couldn't stay by my side but I knew I had no choice. 

On my second night there I started to feel mild contractions at around 10pm. Like 30 minutes apart. I tried to sleep it off as midnight approached. But the gap in between contractions became shorter so I called for nurse. She brought the CTG machine to check on me. Surprisingly it could not detect my contractions. So the nurse told me to try and go back to sleep. Felt great, didn't it. 

Around 1am+ the pain became more frequent so again I called for the nurse. Same thing, zero detection by the machine and the midwife had the gut to say "oh babies are most active at night that's why you're in pain". Seriously??? Who was she kidding? This isn't my second pregnancy you think I can't differentiate between a baby's movement and a contraction?? How silly.

2am, still bearing the pain all by myself. Knowing that I should be in labour room already I called the nurse for the third time. This time she came and put me on drip. Still didn't believe that I was having frequent contractions (because the machine said so), she walked away. I wonder why a patient's statement doesn't count, I'm the one who's in pain, my body was aching so bad and you think I'm bluffing? What's the point of diagnosis then? Is it all about the machine?! You can't possibly rely 100% on a weak machine! Clearly it could be faulty in so many ways. God..

It was 3am when I had to call for the nurse (again) as the pain became unbearable. She finally went to consult the gynae (Dr. Ros) who's on-call. The midwife was then told to check on my cervical dilation. Literally felt like kicking her when we found out it was already 6cm! Damn machine..

She panicked and quickly ran out looking for somebody to get a wheelchair for me while she went to get the labour room ready. Due to her ignorance there was no time for enema that I ended up passing stools during labour (sorry TMI). 

My contractions became much stronger as I lay on the birthing bed. But the pain didn't only come from that. The selfish midwife asked me to make a phone call to my husband myself!! 

God I really hope what she gives she gets back someday. With the remaining strength I pushed myself to make the call. And of all days, that night his cellphone battery ran out so it was charged downstairs while he was sleeping upstairs (at his mom's place because it's much nearer to the hosp). God knows how many times I called.! Then I had to scroll for Contacts in my phone to search for his dad's number, his sister's, in-laws', you name it I called everyone around the house but geez of all days, nobody picked up the phone that particular night. I didn't cringe of the pain but this 'calling' part made me want to scream my lungs out. I spent the whole 15 minutes calling each of them repeatedly, one after another. Then I remember his other sister who lives nearby his mom's. Thank goodness she picked up right away and with my energy level at the minimum I only managed to say a few words. She & her husband went to my MIL's and knocked the door like mad (took them a while too as everybody was in deep sleep).

I was really afraid that JD couldn't make it because the baby is due anytime! With my first pregnancy he was there the whole time from the moment my contraction started until the end. This time, I had to be on my own in a four-bedded ward, bore the contractions without anybody by my side, and now towards the last part I just can't give in. 

3.30am, he showed up. Phewh! Though he didn't get the opportunity to assist me much this time around, I was so happy that he made it on time. At least to witness the birth of his first son. I delivered my precious baby naturally at 3.45am. Drug-free. (And the freakin midwife left me alone in the labour room until 7ish). As soon as our baby boy was bathed and cleaned, JD recited azan to him and was told to leave the hospital afterwards and to wait until visiting hours.. so he went to the mosque and came back around 8am with breakfast. 

I was then transferred to a suite on the same day (the only single-bed room available). Baby boy had to be monitored in PICU due to infection so we spent another 3 days there until everyone's ready to be home. Syukur Alhamdulillah..for HIS love. We are truly blessed beyond measure.

(Nonetheless, this was indeed my worst hospital experience ever. I am never coming back).