Monday, October 18, 2010

Semat dalam diri, kekal dalam hati, ingat sampai mati.

Yang paling aku ingat (dan harus sentiasa ingat) dalam gurauan tersirat sang ustaz (tentang alam sah berpasangan) :

1. Saling melengkapi. Apa yg tak ada pada kita, ada pada pasangan. Vice versa. Don't ever play the blame game. If he couldn't do something as you would expect, You do it. If you couldn't make him something that he thought you could, he shall do it then. Never expect your other half to know and do everything, because you don't & you can't do literally Everything too. Help complete each other.

2. Jadi pendengar bila dimarahi. Even if you're not listening, just pretend that you are. Do not raise your voice to one another & of course, don't let the other person does that to you as well. Draw a limit if you don't want to lose respect. Create some borders, but not boundaries. When he talks, you listen. Vice versa. Only discuss when the situation is less tense.

3. Lalui tiap hari with excitement, jgn kalah pada stress. If you think everything is stressing you out (and allowing pressure to get in the way) most of the time, then what won't? If work is stressing you out, your surroundings are, marriage is, friends are, then what on Earth makes you happy? Be in charge of your mind, take control of your mood. Today is different from yesterday. Every one thing that you look forward to has its own degree of excitement. Let some happiness crawl in between your hectic life & tight schedules. Do not aggravate stress and surrender to it.

4. Sayang keluarga mereka sama seperti darah daging sendiri. If you feel like you need more of his time & attention devoted to you and only you, always remind yourself that you now have two sets of parents and extra number of siblings. Each & every single person is now your family. Learn to love them unconditionally, the same way you love your own flesh and blood. Be yourself and try not to treat them like strangers. Don't get awkward, learn to develop closeness.

5. 'Diam, tarik nafas dalam2, sabar..' are always the better options in most situations. Always control your temper. He's another entity, bukan hakmilik mutlak. Vice versa. He's not a material that you own. You are there to accompany each other, do everything together. Bukan lagak umpama tuan & pengikutnya. Or like a pet & his owner.

6. Love, Thank you, Rindu, Please, and Sorry.. are the most important words in life. Because again, neither you nor him are leaders / followers. You are partners, of equal shareholders. Jangan mengarah & memerintah. Such things will slowly menjauhkan hati. (Tawar hati is the main symptom of separations, in most cases.)

7. Because perempuan tidak wajib mencari nafkah (juga memasak dll.) but nowadays women are no longer housewives & majority are career-women, therefore your partner should always help with house chores because both of you work hard to earn money for a living and you get tired after work everyday, so be fair to each other. Nothing should be one-sided. Sedangkan men yang much stronger than women pun letih di hujung hari, apa lagi kaum wanita. If you don't have a superpower yourself, don't ridiculously expect your other half to have that super extra energy ya.

Semoga berjaya mencapai matlamat sebenar sesebuah perkahwinan. Well well.. good luck ;)