Dalam hidup aku skrg ni ada 4 hubungan penting yg aku kena jaga:-
- Hubungan dgn Tuhan.
- Hubungan dgn keluarga.
- Hubungan dgn studies.
- Hubungan dgn kawan2.
Setiap hari, these are among the things that I keep on reminding myself, for motivation purposes.
- Remember that it won't take long till you finish studying cuz after this you will Never hv the chance to turn back time & u're gonna miss ur life as a student, SO KEEP FOCUSED & DO THE BEST CUZ IT'S WORTH THE EFFORT.
- Kalau nk buat apa2 pun, make sure you go all out because you Never know that there's tomorrow to prove. SO DON'T YOU EVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED.
- If possible, don't depend on others to make you happy, do your thing; you know what's best of you, SO FIND WAYS & TIME TO DO WHAT YOU ENJOY DOING.
- Remember that when you're depressed, cry your heart out bcuz it does make you feel better, but don't let whatever that bugs Stop you from meeting the world.
- Take time to get over frustations, but don't carry yourself low. Always remember that you've got your own standards to keep up to.
- Bila malas nak solat, remind yourself that ini je cara utk you tunjuk rs syukur pd Dia cuz He's given you more than enough. SO JGN LUPA DIA SBB KUASA SEMUANYA DLM TGN DIA.
- Kalau dlm keadaan marah, Selalu fkr balik reason dia munasabah atau tidak, And letak diri kita dlm situation org tu. If it turns out that you should, okay then. But if you think that there's more to it, just forget it. SO DON'T GET STRESSED OUT FOR SOMETHING THAT WON'T ACTUALLY MATTER THAT MUCH IN THE FUTURE.